Yuca Update
These past 2 weeks have been crazy busy but absolutely amazing! We have distributed yuca, prayed with and fed close to 600 families located in 5 different areas surrounding San Ramon! Praise God! There have been families that literally had nothing to eat and were so thankful. We have had the opportunity to pray for the sick, the lame, the deaf and the hungry. So many situations that could have only been setup by our Almighty God. Thank you to all who are praying, those who have donated and to the Miller family, the Johnson families, the Stones, Marjorie Zuniga and the many interns and others who have been a part of the harvest for, distribution of and prayer with families! May God bless you as much as you have blessed us and the least of these among us! We have raised $1700 so far! Glory to God!
To help us feed families in Costa Rica or Panama, click the button below.