Yuca Everywhere!
Yuca is a tree that has a tubular shaped root vegetable that bares an outside resemblance to a sweet potato with brown skin remeniscent of tree bark with a white fleshy center. It is commonly grown in all of Latin America and used as an annual staple root crop in Costa Rica, being used as any other root crop is used. In our home, we have taken it further and use it to make pizza dough, tortillas, rolls, fries and more! Having a good amount of property available for our usage for a time has turned into a journey on learning some typical and traditional farming methods to grow and harvest yuca for the distribution to those in need throughout the San Ramon area.
The typical yuca growing season is best done during rainy season to take advantage of the natural water source and climate that yuca thrives in. It can easily grow in the clay soil that makes up this particular piece of property, and has a growing time of 9 months from planting to harvest. We planted approximately 15 acres of yuca and it is now time to harvest and distribute.
The planting and harvesting process is not for the faint of heart, or the stiff of back! Faithful friends, neighbors and young people have happily dawned their barn boots, lathered up with sun protection, and stocked up on water bottles to join us in the heat and humidity to pull up 2 horse trailers full of yuca. We owe a special thanks to the Kent, Brent and Phyllis Johnson families whose backs we couldn’t have done this without! Their faithfulness and support in this project has been extraordinary and we are truly grateful for them all!
We will bring to market that which we can and will use the proceeds to minister to families in need, and what we cannot bring to market will be distributed in the poorest areas of San Ramon to help feed their families.
To donate and help sponsor a bag (or 100 bags!) to feed families this yuca harvest season, please click on the donate button below.
$2 yields 10 lbs of yuca to feed a family.