Intern Adventures In Panama
As the interns continue to come and go for their term in the Discipleship Program, the outreach and ministry opportunities vary with the season, the participants and the needs that arise during their stay.
For two of the interns this summer, David and Landon, they had the unique experience of traveling with us to Panama as we began the process of working with an organization that is in it’s beginning phases of development for growing and distributing food to the needy in the Chiriqui province.
Introducing them to yet a different country and culture, their adventurous spirit led us all to new places of intrigue and beauty. The river and canyon ravine at Macho de Monte was one of the most unique, peaceful, powerful and beautiful creative wonders that we have yet experienced during our time in Central America. They didn’t hesitate to go all in and swim through the canyon river and slide down the canyon waterfalls! Both David and Landon developed a love for Panama and its uniquely different ‘feel’ from Costa Rica, and hope to return again in the future to help as the projects there continue to grow.