Wrecked – David Wilson
“Likewise today, some Christians are content to merely exist until they die. They don’t want to risk anything, to believe God, to grow or mature. They refuse to believe his Word, and have become hardened in their unbelief. Now they’re living just to die.” David Wilkerson
Two months ago I was asked to be a part of Relentless Ministries for the purpose of creating video and media outreach. I had no plan for this trip, no money, and no idea of what God had in store for me. I had been coasting in what I knew was a dry, if you would like to call it that, season in my life. The final year of my high school career was a little different than I had imagined it. I met two of my new best friends whom I will have for the rest of my life, but my walk with God was dwindling. History and cause is too deep to consider getting in to, but if you ask me, I was not in the will of God. My words, actions, and motives had taken a negative precedence over my life. My parents trusted me with my time and resources because I had proven my worthiness to them over the past 12 years. I know that I have disappointed them, and that I have taken their trust for a return investment of dirt. To my all loving Mother and Father is this writing dedicated to.
The Word of God is pure.
The Word was with God, and the Word is God. We all know this. Many of you if I were to ask “Do you know Jesus?” would undoubtedly reply, ‘yes’. Consider this easy point with me for a second, I will talk in a way that assumes we know the same things. The Trinity contains God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. If the Word IS and was WITH God (Meaning Jesus) in the beginning, and you do not read the Word as you should, how well do you really know Jesus? Are you following His Word and teachings or are you following the idea, religion, and comfort that comes with that “Sinner’s Prayer” you said a while back? I said “the prayer” in my early years and have grown up in the church, loved the idea of God, but never really knew Him. I picked and chose which things I liked out of the Bible to apply to my perfect American life. Got up early every Sunday morning for a show of my participation in religion. To prove I was different. Better. But I was no different, and I was fake. There comes a point in which the life you fake so much becomes your new reality. I didn’t know God or follow Jesus because I didn’t read His perfect Word and apply it to my life! I coasted for a sad part of my final moments with my high school peers. I didn’t have anything to offer them because I was empty.
It was time that God pulled me out and shaped me up.
Glory to God for His faithfulness and endurance.
The beginning of May is when Tyler contacted me about coming down to help him with this mission’s work. That was 30 days before he wanted me to fly down. Little did I know that he had been praying and God had already been preparing the way for me to come and join. I really didn’t even think that I was coming here for a discipleship myself; my focus was on the task I was asked to do. (Queue laughter of God here). I had a month to gather financial support and parental approval for this trip, which will be lasting until September 12th, three months. I truly did give my efforts and trust to God to make this happen if it was His will. (It was). I graciously received the money I needed for my plane flight, and the continuous support during my time here. Family members, friends, winning $400 at my school’s senior all-nighter… it really all just came together.
Glory to the Lord for His pure and everlasting Word.
When I got here, I was met by my best friend in the whole world, and taken in by what I consider to be my best “whole family” friend. Orientation threw me for a loop. Tyler shared his heart for ministry, his purpose here, my purpose here should I chose to accept it, and the vision that God has for all of us. Jesus states how we are to make disciples of all nations, having been forgiven and bought with a price. Not to hold Salvation in our hands, but to GO out and preach the Word of God to all the peoples of the earth. If we truly believe in Jesus and are actually willing to follow Him, then the Word of the Lord must be held above everything else we would like to follow or believe on this earth. To die to the world and become alive in Him. Not many of us are disciples. We are church goers who like to hear that we are saved. I will write another blog explaining my heart for you all in that regard, and for the purposes of this one I will wait.
What does discipleship look like?
Well. Good question. Simple answer, difficult execution. Follow the Word of God. He has put it here for us and for a reason. The reason of his grace and our salvation, to follow His design and plan for our lives. To realize what the real meaning of it all is. Start over from scratch, and remove all of our previous thoughts and ideas about the narrow way we call faith in Christ. Growing up in church has a lot of us believing a lesser truth. If I want to truly become a disciple, a follower of Christ, a slave to His word, then I must dump everything I once thought to be truth and start over. When Jesus was recruiting His disciples, they came out of their structured life and followed the Word of God, who is Jesus, who was walking and living among them. The Word is still living and active today. I believe that we must first go through a process similar to the walk that the disciples had: Witnessing Jesus’ works and miracles, understanding His death and resurrection, committing ourselves to prayer, and fulfilling His calling for our lives through the power we are given by the Holy Spirit.
Thank you Jesus for Your plan, Your purpose and Your Grace.
Prayer is a powerful tool and an important part of our walk with our Savior. Every morning we who dwell in this house get up and pray. Outside, inside, on our knees, sitting, with raised hands, crying out, worshiping… just praying. Good morning God Our days here are rarely structured, and I absolutely love that. Most mornings we will join in an acoustic led worship session. The rest of the day is up for grabs. We are taking classes with focuses on Bible Prophecy, prayer, and the validity and purity of God’s Word. All relevant material that we are able to compare to scripture and grow in. The day is just full of hanging out in God’s word and His comfort. Some days we will drive 15 minutes into San Ramon to hang out with the Interns at Pura Vida Missions. They are great fun and inspiring to be around. Everyone there loves to be in the Word and talk about what it has for us. It is super nice being around other believers – knowing and fulfilling each of our own callings. Two girls in particular are models of faithfulness to me. One was diagnosed with Diabetes one month before she left, and the other is processing the loss of her father, three weeks before she arrived in Costa Rica. Perseverance and faithfulness has shown so prevalent in their lives.
Praise to the Lord in all things.
Letting God wreck us has been a theme the past couple weeks. Wrecking our ideas and plans. Filling us with what He has for us. A guy that visited us felt that God had told Him to quit his job as a teacher. He is listening and walking in God’s will today; not knowing what tomorrow holds but solely trusting in God to guide him.
My final update. I love Costa Rica. I have no idea what I am going to be doing with my life. The Word of God is better than anything else. I am shaping my life around how God would have me live and basing every decision on what His Word has to say.
My home is not on earth, nor is my residency in any country that it has to offer. I belong to Christ. People are not the enemy. Prayer is powerful. God is good. The Word of God is true. I operate not in my own understanding. Jesus is coming again. I love you.
Walk humbly and faithfully with God.
David Wilson